Cherry Cola on Long Hair - If you are looking for a dark and sultry red hair color idea, you might want to try cherry cola on long hair. This color is a deep and rich shade of red that has a hint of brown in it. Cherry cola on long hair is ideal for adding some mystery and sophistication to your look, as well as some contrast and definition.
To get this color, you will need to darken your hair to a dark brown level and then apply a cherry cola dye over it. You can use a permanent or semi-permanent dye, depending on how long you want the color to last. You can also add some highlights or lowlights for extra dimension and texture.To style this color, you can go for a smooth and sleek look or a curly and bouncy one. You can wear your hair down or up in a high ponytail or a low bun. You can also add some bangs or layers to your hair for some extra style and flair. Don’t forget to use a heat protectant spray and a color-safe shampoo and conditioner.
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